Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

Hoeren mit Schmerzen!

Come on, get some industrial music to torture your friends and colleagues with!
I started to digitalize my EP's today so you gonna get some nice pieces of my collection from time to time...

First some stuff from the early industrial age, where industrial was born from Punk, electronic and experimental music of all kind. Listen to the still unbeaten Einstürzende Neubauten song "Stahlversion", their younger "Feurio!", Katastrophentheorie's "Einstand" (some real nasty headcleaner), and Throbbing Gristles "Something came over me".

Have fun, please go to your next musicstore and pay for the records if you like them, these files are only examples to make you wanna buy stuff ...yeah.

Ah, and please don't go to work tomorrow.

EDIT: As usual the Tracker knows to surprise with some serious industrial noise brainflush: "Whitehouse 1985"

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